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Learn How To Connect Your Walmart Marketplace With SellerChamp.

Nizar Noorani avatar
Written by Nizar Noorani
Updated over a week ago

Define defaults settings and rules for your Walmart Marketplace and listings.

Store Name: Name you Walmart Marketplace on SellerChamp.

Primary Ship-from Address: The Primary Ship From Address is the address from where you'd be shipping your items OR the address that'll appear on the shipping label.

Client ID: In order for us to manage your Walmart marketplace, please enter your Client ID.

Client Secret: Enter your Client Secret from the Walmart Developer Portal.

Click here if you're having any trouble getting the Client ID / Client Secret from the Walmart Developmental Portal.

Handling Time (in days): Define the estimated number of days you'll take to hand over the order to a delivery service after the order has been placed. The lower the number of days to ship out the item, the better.

Auto-generate SKUs?: -Yes: This option will automatically generate and assign a SKU to every item that is added to the manifest. -NO: with this options, you'll manually have to assign your SKUs to every item that has been added to the manifest -Custom SKU: Contact our support associate if you'd like to assign a custom sequence as SKUs to the items that are added to the manifest.

Max. Quantity to list: Use this option to limit the quantity to be listed for an item to Walmart.
If you're adding an item to a manifest which has a quantity greater than the value set here, only the quantity that is mentioned here will be submitted to Walmart.
The access quantity will remain within your SellerChamp inventory and the quantity of these items will adjust automatically as an when a sale is made.

Enable inventory at locations: Allows you to track where each product is stocked and how many are available at each location

Default Tax Code: Assign the shipping sales tax code to the shipping method you'll be supporting on the Walmart Marketplace.
Please note SellerChamp does not provide advice on selecting tax codes, please use and consult proper resources.

  • The default tax code to use is the Walmart Generic Tax Code is 2038710.

  • View the Walmart US Tax codes here

  • Finding the Right Tax Codes for Walmart Marketplace: video

Default Product Brand: If in case you have an item(s) without a brand, you can set a default brand to use. You can also leave it as Unavailable.

Default Image URL: Similar to a missing brand for an item, if an item that you've listed has a missing image, Walmart requires you to use a default image for those items. You can mention your custom image URL or use our default link.
Our URL points to the below displayed image for your item that is missing an image.

Thank you Message: Mention a thank you message for your customers who buy your product.

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